Two wedding cars parked in front of a wedding venue with Bride and Groom holding each others between both vehicles.

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Important dates to remember for your diary

Last update on 31 Jan 2025

Quick answer

View a list of dates to remember such as when the balance is due, when to check final details, etc..   

Here is a list of dates to add to your wedding diary once you have booked your vehicle/s.


8 weeks prior to the wedding


This is when the balance is due. We will send you an email reminder a couple of days before it is due. It's also a good time to cast your eyes over your latest itinerary and ensure nothing has changed since the booking was made or last amended. If you need to make changes to your booking please email us with the new details and we will send you an updated itinerary confirmation. 


4 weeks prior to the wedding


A final check from us at Premier Carriage, we will send you an online check-list to complete to ensure you have all the details in hand and checked your itinerary and timings. 


2 weeks prior to the wedding


Contact the vehicle supplier of the vehicle/s you  have booked to run over the final details you require. Although both client and owner receive an identical copy of the itinerary, by going over the details and timings with the owner/driver before the wedding day could prevent mishaps occurring on the actual day. 


On the wedding day

Ensure your mobile phone is switched on if this is the only contact number you have given for the collection address, just in case the driver needs to contact you. 


Enjoy one of the happiest days of your life – Congratulations in advance !

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