YES - We can organise a backup vehicle should you request it.
One of the main questions we are continually asked is ‘what happens if a car breaks down on the day?’, and naturally this is something that would be of real concern on such a special day when everything is planned down to the last minute and everything is expected to run like clockwork.
Although thankfully situations like this are very rare there have been times when a Bridal car has had problems and this effects all and every company who provide vehicles for hire, vehicles are after all simply machines and can let us down at the most inappropriate times no matter how much care and love we lavish upon them.
So the question now is ‘how do we lessen the impact’ in the unlikely event something should happen to a Bridal car.
For additional peace of mind some clients may prefer a standby Back-Up vehicle to ‘discreetly at a distance’ follow the Bride in her chosen car throughout the day acting as a back up car that will actually be on the spot should a problem occur with the Bridal car. On such a special day it will provide additional peace of mind for the Bride to know that in the unlikely event of a problem the timings for the day will stay as planned, stress and worry will be avoided and another car is ready and waiting to simply transfer to, and continue on with the journey.
As a forward thinking company we are always trying to find solutions to problems before they occur so in addition to the advice we provide in FAQ15 - Vehicle Breakdowns, we have listed different ideas of back-up options:
Ask a friend or neighbour - If one of your friends of neighbours has a nice car you could ask them to be on standby at your collection address and discreetly follow the bridal vehicle to the ceremony venue. This should not be too much of an issue if they are also invited to the wedding.
Hire a local Taxi or Uber - Contact a local taxi firm to be at your collection address at the required time and to follow the Bridal vehicle to the ceremony.
Hire an additional chauffeur-driven vehicle - We are happy to organise a back-up vehicle such as a lower cost Mercedes or Jaguar to discreetly follow the Bridal vehicle from and to the venues. Naturally, a chauffeured wedding car will be a little more costly than a local taxi cab but if you feel this additional back-up service may be of interest simply call us.
Why and How do I contact the vehicle supplier directly?
Wedding Insurance Cover - Should we have this?
What if the car has not arrived by the agreed time or breaks down on the wedding day?
What if the car becomes unserviceable or breaks down before the wedding day?