Some may think so, although it's usually not appreciated by the vicar or the registrar.
In our experience this is the easiest way to upset the Vicar or Registrar conducting the service. We would always suggest your car arrives outside the ceremony venue about 5 minutes before you are due to go inside, as you are going to use up this time having arrival photographs both inside and outside of the car.
In some cases, usually civil ceremonies you may need to arrive even earlier than this in order to meet the registrar in private before the ceremony starts. Check with your registrar as most of them would require the Bride to arrive 15 to 20 minutes prior to ceremony start time.
We all know Bride’s wish to keep the Groom’s on their toes by arriving a little late but in reality planning to arrive late can have knock on effects throughout the day. If you have left your collection address late and are then held up by unexpected traffic this may make you even later. In some cases ceremonies have had to be cut short to bring everything back on schedule as there may be other couples getting married in the venue after yourself and timings for the vicar or registrar are therefore crucial.
If you are planning to arrive a little late do inform the Vicar in advance so they can check timings will be fine on the day.
We would always suggest you leave the collection address with plenty of time to spare so you can have a leisurely drive, it is better to arrive early and ask the chauffeur to pull up a little way from the ceremony venue to use up some time or even drive round the block than to run the risk of being late.
However this is your day and the chauffeurs will do as you wish but they must drive within the legal speed limits and the limits of the vehicle.
Can we pay extra if we need more time on the day
The ceremony and reception are in the same venue, can we have a drive after the ceremony ?