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39: How do we submit a Review or make a Complaint ?

Submitting Reviews

All of the reviews shown on the Premier Carriage website are 100% genuine and verified, hard copies of all reviews and communications are retained as proof.  We therefore encourage you to submit your experience of your wedding day direct to Premier Carriage for the attention of Managing Director – Mr Didier Di Mario and we will upload your review to the individual website page of the vehicle you hired so others can form an opinion of that particular vehicle and service provided by the supplier on the day.  From the many 5 star reviews received previously we are certain you will be very happy with the services provided, both by Premier Carriage and by the vehicle suppliers.

Complaints about the Administration

Should you have need to make a complaint about anything relating to the office based service you have received from ‘Premier Carriage’ from first contact up to the close of business 28 days day prior to the wedding day then you should contact the Managing Director of Premier Carriage ‘Didier’ on 01202 822659 Monday to Friday – 9am to 6pm, or anytime via email. If you are advising via email please provide as much information as you can about your complaint so we can answer this fully.

Complaints about a vehicles or service on the day 

If your complaint relates to anything that has happened to a booked vehicle prior to the wedding day or on the actual wedding day itself your complaint should not be directed to ‘Premier Carriage’ as we do not sub-contract the vehicles, we provide a marketing platform only. The complaint should be directed to the Wedding Car supplier you have contracted and who therefore is responsible for providing the vehicle and for carrying out their contractual obligations to you. You will find the vehicle suppliers name, company details, contact address, and phone numbers on the top left of your itinerary confirmation sent to you by Premier Carriag.. We will be happy to advise these details again and their email address if they are no longer to hand.  Naturally we will gladly offer guidance and advise where we can as part of our professional standard of service to you.

‘Premier Carriage’ does not provide the wedding car service itself neither does it sub-contract, Premier Carriage simply provides you with access to one  of the UK’s largest collections of wedding transport on one website from many hundreds of wedding transport businesses and private individual classic car suppliers and provides a complimentary booking service for the client on behalf of the vehicle suppliers, our own services are finally completed at the close of business 28 days prior to the wedding thereafter we hand over the reigns to the vehicle suppliers to fulfil their contractual obligations by providing the vehicles and delivering the service you have paid them for. 

As such Premier Carriage although happy to offer initial guidance is unable to become involved in disputes between client and vehicle owner however in order for us to monitor the service the owners have provided we would appreciate a copy of the complaint you write to them.  Although ‘Premier Carriage’ makes no charge to the client for our own services you can be assured we monitor weddings carried out by the vehicle suppliers who require us to act as their booking service and are pleased to say receive an overwhelming amount of complimentary letters. We all know that sometimes the best laid plans may not always go as required for whatever reason so we welcome constructive feedback from wedding day experiences of which we hope will all be good, however it is because previous clients have given us feedback we start to build up a picture of who is a good wedding service provider and who has not delivered to their expectations. We will take note of all comments and if the same vehicle or supplier receives repeated negative comments we will have no hesitation in removing those vehicles & suppliers from our website who do not come up to standard and by taking these actions those that remain are only the very best service providers as advised to us by previous clients. Because Premier Carriage is passionate about good customer service in taking these actions future clients should have some additional peace of mind when booking wedding cars shown on the Premier Carriage website.

A Most Respectful Note : ‘Premier Carriage’ enjoys an enviable reputation of excellence within the industry.  To malign the good name of ‘Premier Carriage’ for a negative experience occuring on the wedding day ‘Premier Carriage’ is clearly not responsible for would be defamatory, totally misplaced and would be vigorously defended.  We respectfully refer clients to the terms and conditions shown on our website [in particular T&C’s 7A] before making or broadcasting any assumptions as to where blame may lay.  Thank you for your kind understanding.

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