Two wedding cars parked in front of a wedding venue with Bride and Groom holding each others between both vehicles.

Frequently asked questions

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Can you explain how the quote will be calculated?

Last update on 3 Feb 2025

Quick answer

Quotes are worked out using many different factors such as length of hire, chauffeur's availability, date of the wedding, time of the day, total mileage and route access. 

You can view a list of available vehicles and their hire price on our website. The price display on our website is an estimate based on the information you provide at the time of the enquiry. The hire price you receive back from us might differ [up or down] from what you have seen online. 


When you submit your quote to us via our website we will personally work out all the logistics and timings to refine the price rather than rely on ‘The Computer Says’ !  weddings are expensive enough and an important day in a couple's life so we don't want to rely on a computer to work out logistics, so by doing this manually we can ensure everything is considered and the lowest price is always quoted. 


What factors do you take into consideration when working out a quote?


We look at many factors when working out your quote, for example the number of hours the vehicle is required, chauffeur's availability, date of the wedding, time of the day, total mileage and route access. 


Some older vehicles may require to be transported near to your wedding location on a trailer. If that is the case, we would include that cost into your quotation. 


If the vehicle is required to enter a payable Low Emission Zone (London, Glasgow, Bristol, Birmingham, etc) the charge will be included in the cost of hire. 


Can a quoted price change after I have booked my car?


Should you then decide to make a reservation the quote is confirmed and will not change. The only time a quote may change is if you later change the itinerary or a new law or charge has been introduced affecting the itinerary and unknown at the time of the quote, for example the introduction of a new low emission charge etc..

Related FAQs

How do I get a Quote ?

Does a quote confirm the vehicles are available?

What is Included in the Quote?

Do you add on VAT to your advertised prices

Do you offer price discounts and/or best offers ?

How many hours should we book the vehicle for ?

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