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22: Can you explain how the quote will be calculated?

Google Maps are displayed on every vehicle page and show that vehicles operating area within a highlighted circle, however this guide is a radius as the ‘Crow Flies’ therefore some destinations nearer to the outer edge may not be covered by the vehicle as the mileage and travel time to reach those areas may exclude that car. What is certain though is if any part of your itinerary falls outside of the circled area that particular vehicle will not be available for your wedding. Your quote will be lowest if your wedding area is near to the centre of the highlighted circle as this is the vehicles local area, the quote will steadily increase the further away from the centre that your wedding is taking place. Please also note that some Classic and Vintage vehicles will not operate in the Centre of London or further North of London even if the circle encompasses London and areas further North.


Prices shown on this website are for weddings carried out Local to the area of the postcode entered on the website. They may vary minimally when you advise of the full itinerary as quotes are based on total mileage. The map showing the ‘Vehicle Operating Area’ only shows how far the vehicle will travel from it’s base, subject to destinations nearer to the outer edge as explained above, it does not refer to prices and therefore does not infer the price shown on the website will be the same for all destinations within the highlighted circle.


We look at many factors when working out your quote, for example the number of hours you have advised you require the car for, the time of day or night you require the vehicle, and/or if the distance to your wedding area is close to the maximum operating limit of the vehicle and/or the predicted journey time to travel from the vehicles base to your wedding area is in excess of one hour in either direction we may need to include additional costs for the chauffeur whose duty day will of course be extended. We may need to use a trailer to transport some of our older vintage vehicles in which case a small additional trailer charge may need to be included in your quote, finally we need to consider any fluctuation in fuel prices since the website prices were last updated, however all of these factors will have been taken into consideration and included when you receive your quote. Mileages are calculated from ‘base to base’, this means the miles start counting when the vehicle leaves it’s base and end on it’s return to base. Remember your quote will always be lowest if your wedding area is near to the centre of the highlighted circle and highest if it is nearer to the outer edge, so this is a good point to remember if you wish to keep to a tighter budget. Vehicle/s will arrive at the initial collection address 15 minutes before the first planned departure, this is a built in safety margin and will be included in the hire time requested therefore the starting time of the hire will always be 15 minutes before the first planned departure.

Rising insurance premiums for passenger carrying vehicles, the ever changing cost of fuel and the very low miles per gallon for many wedding vehicles mean prices shown on this website may periodically need adjustment. We include prices on our website to provide clients with an idea of cost, however with so many vehicles, to amend every individual vehicle website page every time fuel or other cost contributing factors change would be impractical, and a full time job !. Therefore the local prices shown on this website although probably accurate are to be treated as a pretty good guide but could fluctuate minimally [up or down] but we do not envisage this being more than £20 in either direction. The total cost of the vehicle/s you choose including any adjustment to their website price will be given in your quote, before you book.  Should you then decide to make a reservation the quote is confirmed and will not change. Please also note the prices shown on the website are for the current year therefore a small adjustment may also have been included in your quote for weddings taking place in following years. Thank you, we appreciate your understanding.

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